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And Our Local Cemeteries

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Your donation would help keep this website and our local cemeteries maintained.
Donations that are made are distributed as you request.
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Your donation to our local cemeteries will help keep the cemetery maintained, grass mowed, ect.

The donations to a General Fund will be divided, as needed in the area that the fund is devoted to.

Donations to GraveFinder.org help pay for Cemetery Maps, that we have to pay for, and web hosting. If you have a copy of a local cemetery map and would like to donate a copy, let us know, We would appreciate it.
We use these maps to create a digital version of the map for our database. Afterwards they will be donated to a local library, historians office, or historical society. If nobody want's them then we will keep them for safe keeping.

You may donate as much as you would like to as many cemeteries and funds as you would like.
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